Friday, December 23, 2011

More Progress in Pool Parking Lot

Newly Paved Entryway – As construction in the Fremont High School front parking lot progresses, an improvement was made around the pool gate and entryway.  You probably have noticed the puddling that occurs in this area during the rainy season.  The swimmers and the city requested that the District regrade this area as part of the construction.   We are pleased that this was completed and that it was done very quickly and very neatly!  An improvement is always welcome.  See the photo, attached.

Other progress - As was evident through the meetings with the parking lot task force, there are no physical solutions to adding capacity to this lot, (except the removal of the small oak tree which will yield two to three spots.)  Thus, it seems as though adding permit parking time is one of the only mitigations we can enact.

In our October 20th task force meeting, we requested that the two more hours of permit time be extended to the 35 pool parking places to enable both a smoother drop-off/pick-up flow for the swim team(s) and for more availability of spots for those parking for lessons, lap swim or some other pool uses.  The District requested some data to substantiate this request.  In their November 15th board meeting, I requested only an extension on the permit time for 10 parking places, (feeling that this might be more palatable to the district), until 7PM.  This is about the same number of parking places that will disappear.

The SUNN swim team provided data showing hefty usage umbers and CSC is providing usage data to the City.  We are awaiting the result of these discussions between the City and the District.

Adult Ed – Many evening swimmers know that Adult Ed classes are scheduled mainly on Monday and Wednesday evenings.  We believe that many participants park in the front parking lot, and these are some of the times the lot fills to overcapacity between 5- 7 PM.  The Adult Ed Principal, Peggy Raun-Linde, has offered to try to move the Adult Ed office and some activity to the rear of the campus and to other small parking lots around campus.  These changes will be implemented in January.  We are very hopeful that this will indeed free up some space in the front lot.  There are other users of this busy lot, of course, but this group may have a significant impact on pool parking.

More updates to come.

Keep swimming!

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