Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Locker Room Renovation Meeting Report

Dear swim patrons,

I would like to report what transpired at the Fremont Pool locker room renovation meeting yesterday evening.  We are very pleased to report that the renovation is going forward!  The tentative construction schedule will be from May 29 – Sept 17th, 2014.  It is an extensive renovation, but it appears that all items will be addressed!

Basically, they will be gutting most of the building.  Here is the replacement list as it was listed off yesterday evening:  Will use deck shield wall board which resists mold, all new drains, additional drains in changing area, new floor, new trench drain, all plumbing, lights, electrical, fixtures, toilets, exhaust fans, heat ventilators, ducts, lockers, benches, faucets, sinks, hot water heater.  New portion of roof that is flat. We can expect that the floor layout of the building will remain the same.

City staff reported that there is some mold in the walls, but the air tests in the rooms report no mold in the air, i.e. it is safe for use at this time.  We were informed that the project manager is the school district – inspected by state architect, not the City of Sunnyvale.  Sunnyvale staff assured us it would be well monitored and done right.  Many swim patrons provided input about desirable attributes, what they would like to see, etc.  Overall, people asked for more industrial strength materials and fixtures.  We were assured that he donor bricks would be protected and that the donor plaque would be unharmed.

If you have input about what might work better in the locker rooms, please contact Nancy Grove at ngrove@sunnyvale.ca.gov .  The customer process is overseen by the Superintendent of Community Services, Dan Wax at dwax@sunnyvale.ca.gov and the construction portion will be overseen by the Superintendent of Facility Services, Robert Van Heusen bvanheusen@sunnyvale.ca.gov .  I’ll forward more information as it is available.  Please pass this on to your swimming friends.  

Unfortunately, they cannot complete such a task in a shorter period of time. Tentatively, we can expect to be using the school locker rooms from June 5 – August 14th but it is unknown if the locker rooms, and thus the pool, will be available from August 14 – September 17th.  We want the job done right, however!   

I am delighted that this item will be taken care of and you should be as well.  Unless there are issues, I am approaching this with a big smile!  Again, if you can think of concerns or have good ideas, don’t hesitate to contact city staff or myself.

Many thanks to all those who attended the meeting or gave input on email!


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